The Ant Bully (2006)
Director: John A. Davis IMDB rating 6.10 / 10 The Ant Bully - Download DivX-version (.avi file, 700mb) Related tags: ants, kids and family, miniaturization, shrinking |
Taglines: Stomping into theaters August 4thThe battle for the lawn is on.This Summer It's Crunch Time. hTe Ant BullyTeh Ant BullyTh eAnt BullyTheA nt BullyThe nAt BullyThe Atn BullyThe An tBullyThe AntB ullyThe Ant uBllyThe Ant BlulyThe Ant BullyThe Ant BulylThe Ant Bulylhe Ant BullyTe Ant BullyTh Ant BullyTheAnt BullyThe nt BullyThe At BullyThe An BullyThe AntBullyThe Ant ullyThe Ant BllyThe Ant BulyThe Ant BulyThe Ant BullTThe Ant BullyThhe Ant BullyThee Ant BullyThe Ant BullyThe AAnt BullyThe Annt BullyThe Antt BullyThe Ant BullyThe Ant BBullyThe Ant BuullyThe Ant BulllyThe Ant BulllyThe Ant Bullyy Plot: Lucas Nickle's the new kid in town and the local bully, Steve, makes sure he knows it. Lucas gets so fed up with being bullied, he takes out his frustration on ants in his backyard in hilarious ways, like squirting them with his garden hose or stamping on the ant hill. The ants are understandably fed up with this and Zoc the ant wizard uses a potion to shrink him down to ant size! Lucas is sentenced to hard labor in the ruins and learns to be more compassionate to ants. He becomes an ant friend, then must become an ant hero when Stan Beals, the local pest control guy, who's an even bigger bully, comes to wipe out the entire colony. An "ants vs pest control" battle ensues and Zoc reluctantly accepts that Lucas may be the ants' only chance of survival. |
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