Saturday, July 5, 2008

Ghost (1990) -

Ghost (1990)

Genre: Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Romance, Thriller

Director: Jerry Zucker

IMDB rating 6.80 / 10

Ghost - Download DivX-version (.avi file, 700mb)

Related tags: afterlife, blockbuster, computer cracker, ghost, hell, invisible, love, manhattan, murder, new york, possession, pottery, psychic, seance, supernatural

Taglines: Before Sam was murdered he told Molly he'd love and protect her forever.You will believe.

Plot: Sam and Molly are a very happy couple and deeply in love. Walking back to their new apartment after a night out at the theatre, they encounter a thief in a dark alley, and Sam is murdered. He finds himself trapped as a ghost and realises that his death was no accident. He must warn Molly about the danger that she is in. But as a ghost he can not be seen or heard by the living, and so he tries to communicate with Molly through Oda Mae Brown, a psychic who didn't even realise that her powers were real.