Sunday, July 6, 2008

The Medallion (2003) -

The Medallion (2003)

The Medallion
Genre: Action, Comedy, Fantasy, Thriller

Director: Gordon Chan

IMDB rating 4.60 / 10

The Medallion - Download DivX-version (.avi file, 700mb)

Related tags: bloopers during credits, buddhism, catfight, chase, child, comic relief, container, cooking, dancing, drowning, dublin ireland, fall from height, fight scene, fire, flying, freighter, garbage can, good versus evil, gunshot, helicopter, hong kong, hospital, immortality, interpol, interracial marriage, kidnapping, kung fu, little boy, martial arts, medallion, morgue, nurse, poison, police detective, rescue, resurrection, slap in the face, slapstick, stabbing, subterranean, superhuman strength, temple, title spoken by character, underwater scene, urination scene

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Plot: Eddie, an indomitable Hong Kong cop, is transformed into an immortal warrior with superhuman powers after a fatal accident involving a mysterious medallion. Eddie enlists the help of British Interpol agent Nicole to determine the secret of the medallion and face down the evil Snakehead who wants to use its magical powers for his own nefarious plans.