Primer (2004)
Director: Shane Carruth IMDB rating 6.80 / 10 Primer - Download DivX-version (.avi file, 700mb) Related tags: blood, discovery, distrust, double, experiment gone wrong, flashback sequence, garage, get rich quick scheme, greed, guilt, headphones, identity conflict, independent film, invention, inventor, multiple time frames, nonlinear timeline, oxygen tank, paradox, paranoia, physics, repeated event, science, scrabble, stock trading, storage facility, surreal, time loop, time machine, time travel, voice over narration |
Taglines: If you always want what you can't have, what do you want when you can have anything?What happens if it actually works? rPimerPirmerPrmierPriemrPrimrePrimrerimerPimerPrmerPrierPrimrPrimePPrimerPrrimerPriimerPrimmerPrimeerPrimerr Plot: At night and on weekends, four men in a suburban garage have built a cottage industry of error-checking devices. But, they know that there is something more. There is some idea, some mechanism, some accidental side effect that is standing between them and a pure leap of innovation. And so, through trial and error they are building the device that is missing most. However, two of these men find the device and immediately realize that it is too valuable to market. The limit of their trust in each other is strained when they are faced with the question, If you always want what you can't have, what do you want when you can have anything? |
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