Robots (2005)
Director: CarlosWedge, Chris Saldanha IMDB rating 6.40 / 10 Robots - Download DivX-version (.avi file, 700mb) Related tags: cgi film, computer animation, dancing, dishwasher, dominoes, gate, kids and family, robot, smelting works, surfing, television |
Taglines: Repair for adventure!Riveting in IMAXYou can shine no matter what you're made of. oRbotsRbootsRoobtsRobtosRobostRobostobotsRbotsRootsRobtsRobosRobotRRobotsRoobotsRobbotsRobootsRobottsRobotss Plot: Even in a world populated entirely by mechanical beings Rodney Copperbottom (McGregor) is considered a genius inventor. Rodney dreams of two things, making the world a better place and meeting his idol, the master inventor Bigweld (Brooks). On his journey he encounters Cappy (Halle Berry), a beautiful executive 'bot with whom Rodney is instantly smitten, the nefarious corporate tyrant Ratchet (Kinnear) who locks horns with Rodney, and a group of misfit 'bots known as the Rusties, led by Fender (Williams) and Piper Pinwheeler (Bynes). |
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