The Bodyguard (1992)
Director: Mick Jackson IMDB rating 5.30 / 10 The Bodyguard - Download DivX-version (.avi file, 700mb) Related tags: academy award, actor shares first name with character, assassination, blockbuster, bodyguard, gun, jealousy, katana sword, oscars, singer, sister, sister sister relationship |
Taglines: Never let her out of your sight. Never let your guard down. Never fall in love. hTe BodyguardTeh BodyguardTh eBodyguardTheB odyguardThe oBdyguardThe BdoyguardThe BoydguardThe BodgyuardThe BodyugardThe BodygaurdThe BodyguradThe BodyguadrThe Bodyguadrhe BodyguardTe BodyguardTh BodyguardTheBodyguardThe odyguardThe BdyguardThe BoyguardThe BodguardThe BodyuardThe BodygardThe BodygurdThe BodyguadThe BodyguarTThe BodyguardThhe BodyguardThee BodyguardThe BodyguardThe BBodyguardThe BoodyguardThe BoddyguardThe BodyyguardThe BodygguardThe BodyguuardThe BodyguaardThe BodyguarrdThe Bodyguardd Plot: A pop singer has been receiving threatening notes, and her manager hires a bodyguard known for his good work. The bodyguard ruffles the singer's feathers and most of her entourage by tightening security more than they feel is necessary. The bodyguard is haunted by the fact that he was on Reagan's secret service staff but wasn't there to prevent the attack by Hinckley. Eventually the bodyguard and the singer start an affair, and she begins to believe his precautions are necessary when the stalker strikes close to home. |
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